
A Robe of Resistance, often abbreviated to RoR, is a rare but exceptionally useful piece of body armor. It helps the wearer resist magic. The fighting classes sometimes take off their Plate Breast and Plate Legs to wear a RoR against a foe with magic attacks such as a Bracken. Mage classes also wear RoRs.

Robes of Resistance are often found in forest bags, though somewhat less frequently than Robes of Protection (RoPs). A master tailor can also craft their own, but only if desiring one of the nine “common” colors. A Robe of Resistance gives only 1 point of Armor Rating, so the increase in magic defense comes at the expense of a very hefty amount of physical defense. Thus, the decision-making process of when to don a RoR instead of armor can involve quite a lot of strategizing, especially when dealing with higher level creatures that use both magic and physical attacks, such as Storm Elementals, Zephyrs, Magma Golems, and Liches.

While Robes of Resistance become damaged with use and eventually break, the amount of magical resistance they confer to the wearer does not degrade at all, so throwing away a damaged RoR is generally not advisable.

Grandmaster (GM) Robes of Resistance are an incredibly useful subclass of RoR. These advanced robes not only increase the wearer's Resisting Magic, but provide a large amount of Armor Rating as well – making them much more valuable than the GM Robe of Protection. And in general, Robes of Resistance will always be valued at a slightly higher rate on the player market when compared to their Robe of Protection equivalents.


Like the Robe of Protection and the common Robe, the Robe of Resistance comes in many different colors, both common and rare.


The "common" varieties are those nine colors which existed prior to Year 452 (and the July 2020 update). These are the colors that can be crafted by an expert tailor, and are the easiest to acquire. All nine can be found randomly in forest bags, and all nine can be purchased at the Silver Leaf Shop for 20,000 GP, though the robes are easier to acquire through a variety of other ways which are explored below.

Furthermore, a chest in the Hell Mage Laboratory (in the most difficult room of the dungeon) is known to occasionally contain all of the nine common colors of RoR. There is also a chest at the very end of the Shrine of the Disciples which has a small chance to contain all nine of the common varieties of Grandmaster RoR.


RoR - Black

Satyricon in blackest night.

Black Robes of Resistance are a popular choice among rogues, as well as younger wizards or those wishing to become one. The easiest way to acquire one is through a popular quest: in the Waltham's World of Wool Outlet (Tailor Shop) within the walls of Andris, the proprietor, Kalymor, is looking to collect Blink Hound Furs in order to create a special outfit. Anyone who brings him 50 of these furs can expect to receive a Black RoR in return.

On the Player Market, one might expect to fetch a price of 5,000 - 10,000 GP for this robe.


RoR - Blue

Matching druid and harpie.

Blue Robes of Resistance are favored by the fighting classes of Mirith and her Vanguard. Aside from the usual methods of acquisition, there is a chest deep within the Black Rose Maze of Skull Island that is known to sometimes contain a Blue RoR.

10,000 - 15,000 GP might be a fair price for this particular hue.


RoR - Brown

Brown snow?

Brown Robes of Resistance are relatively common, and often worn by villagers in Lerilin or those associated with the region. Multiple ways of acquiring one are known. Perhaps the most efficient way is via Sand Dragon - the great beasts are known to carry them from time to time. Additionally, a chest within the Plum Grove sometimes contains one of the robes.

And then the Teamaker Astrid, only ever seen during the Red Moon Festival, has been known to trade away Brown RoRs in exchange for just two Nevia Flowers, as part of her rare tea experiments.

Brown RoRs tend to go for 5,000 - 10,000 GP on the player market.


RoR - Green

Frolicking through the forests.

Green Robes of Resistance are a less common sight, and there is really only one unique way to acquire them: Forest Dragons, which are known to occasionally drop the RoRs when killed.

On the player market, Green RoRs might go for 10,000 - 15,000 GP.


RoR - Gray

Sopor of the Servants Three, in Sleeping Moon 452.

Gray Robes of Resistance are a popular choice amongst the clergy of Brigobaen, but are otherwise hard to find. The ancient trio of villains known as the Servants Three are also known to wear gray exclusively.

There are no known ways to acquire any beyond the methods that are available to all common robes (forest bags, HM Lab chest, Silver Leaf Shop ,and tailoring).

Gray RoRs might be valued at 7,500 - 12,500 GP on the player market.

Light Blue[]

RoR - Light Blue

A common sight during the Dawn of the Disciples.

Light Blue Robes of Resistance are similarly popular in Brigobaen, especially during the annual Dawn of the Disciples pilgrimage. The color has an additional appreciation by adventurers who favor the frozen climes of Oberin's northern regions. Like the Gray RoR, there are no known ways to acquire them outside of the universally available methods.

The robes can be traded on the player market for roughly 7,500 - 12,500 GP.


RoR - Red


Red Robes of Resistance are the outfit of choice for many in the Red City of Andris, especially for those seeking protection against that region's many magical creatures that roam just outside the city walls. It is also the official uniform for the city and her Vanguard.

This popular color can be found in a few different ways. Forest Dragons have a very slight chance of dropping a Red RoR when defeated. Some chests in the upper half of Nystral's Tower are also known to occasionally contain Red RoRs - the Tower's school uniforms from the ancient past. And Hell, naturally, has also been known to hide some Red RoRs in chests. And most infrequently, during the Red Moon Market, Teamaker Astrid has been known to offer one Red RoR in exchange for 4 Nevia Flowers.

Red RoRs are generally valued among the highest of the common RoRs, at a range of 10,000 - 15,000 GP.


RoR - Purple

A Maralian traitor, Estess Vorund.

The Purple Robe of Resistance is one of the most common varieties, enjoying popularity even outside its official use as a uniform for Marali and her Vanguard.

Much of this popularity is due to an easily completed quest: one can turn in 50 Snake Eggs to Talia at the Seaside Potion Shop in Port Gast to receive one Flask of Perfume, and then bring this flask to the elusive Rung the Stinky Forest Troll in exchange for one Purple RoR.

Additionally, Forest Dragons are known to occasionally drop the Purple RoRs from time to time.

Given the relative ease with which Purple RoRs can be acquired, their player market range is no more than 5,000 - 7,500 GP.


RoR - Yellow

Guards in Lerilin during their annual festival.

Yellow Robes of Resistance are another relatively common RoR, especially when compared to the less common Yellow RoP. This is probably due to the multiple different ways to acquire a Yellow RoR.

For starters, there is a quest: turning in 12 Yellow Roses to Uberh of Andris results in one Yellow RoR. What's more, Sand Dragons are known to occasionally carry the robes.

5,000 - 10,000 GP might be a fair price on the market.


The rare RoRs are those that were discovered in Year 452 and beyond. Out of these colors, six of the more common ones can be found in the Silver Leaf Shop, sold at 50,000 GP per robe: Orange, Sandy Brown, Slate, Copper, Violet, and Indigo. Though fairly expensive, this price is not all that different from average rates on the player market, and thus the Shop remains a good way to stock up on favored rare RoRs.


RoR - Orange 02

Orange and black.

Orange Robes of Resistance are the most common of the rares, being the only rare that can be found in Forest Bags. Additionally, during the Biennial Harpie Roost (also known as Easter), the egg collector Sonny has been known to offer Orange RoRs in exchange for a large amount of Indigo Eggs.

On the Player Market, a price of 25,000 - 35,000 GP might be appropriate, though as with all the rare robes, this is mostly just an educated guess, as they are still quite new to the market.


RoR - Slate

Better slate than never.

Slate Robes of Resistance are another popular rare color, though somewhat harder to come by. The robes are now used as the official uniform of the Duldrus-associated guild, the Hidden Vale.

The best known way to acquire one is via a chest, at the southern end of the Night Cave, but the odds of it containing the robe are fairly remote, and the Night Harpies in the area make it something of a challenge – bringing a druid along to cure blindness is highly recommended!

And then seasonally, during the Red Moon Festival, the Teamaker Astrid at the Red Moon Market has been known to offer up one Slate RoR to any who bring her 8 Nevia Flowers.

Owing to high demand, perhaps a range of 45,000 - 55,000 GP on the player market might be fair.


RoR - Copper 02

Copper in the bank.

Copper Robes of Resistance are another relatively common specimen of rare RoR. The Forest Trolls are known to hoard them, alongside the Copper Robes of Protection, in heavily guarded chests deep within the Troll Palace.

Additionally, Astrid at the Red Moon Market has offered one Slate RoR in exchange for 6 Nevia Flowers.

As for the player market, they might go for 25,000 - 35,000 GP.

Sandy Brown[]

RoR - Sandy Brown

Sandy Brown.

Sandy Brown Robes of Resistance can only be found buried deep inside the sunken coves of the Windswept Islands. Only one chest is known to contain them, in the perilous basement of the cursed, ruined lighthouse that lies at the center of the island chain. One will have to face Storm Elementals and even Zephyrs to stand a chance at acquiring a Sandy Brown RoR, so only a very experienced hunting party should attempt it.

Given the rarity of the Sandy Brown RoR, a price range of 45,000 - 55,000 GP would be fairly reasonable.


RoR - Violet

The Violent Twins (bookended by Indigo).

Violet Robes of Resistance are a striking choice of outfit, and surprisingly very difficult to come by, given the relative prevalence of the Violet Robe of Protection.

There are no known chests or quests that reward a Violet RoR, and in fact, the only time they have ever been seen (outside of festivals and the Silver Leaf Shop) is during the Great Biennial Harpie Roost, when egg collector Sonny is known to offer one in exchange for a large amount of Indigo Eggs.

But unless any other ways to acquire a Violet RoR are discovered, they will remain quite rare indeed. As such, they might go for around 45,000 - 55,000 GP on the player market.


RoR - Indigo 02

Shuab in Indigo.

Indigo Robes of Resistance are the vivid result of dyes extracted from Indigo Eggs. One can acquire such a robe by bringing 49 of the eggs to Miranda on the Isle of Ice, who is happy to concoct a beautiful dye with the eggs.

The Indigo RoR might go from 25,000 - 35,000 GP on the player market.


RoR - Peach

Peachy keen.

Peach Robes of Resistance are the first of three rare colors that were introduced later on, in the year 454. In the Blue Moon Festival of that year, the robes were debuted as the official uniform for the Southwest Sailors shipping company, as part of a business deal with Waltham's World of Wool, the Andrisian tailoring conglomerate that has been behind many of the rare new colors of robe.

Some of the rank-and-file of the SWS offered special, limited-time quests during that same BMF, giving away Peach RoRs in exchange for help. Perhaps a price of 50,000 - 60,000 GP on the player market might be fair.


Amethyst Robes of Resistance are another one of the robes first seen during BMF 454. During the festival, a seasonal trader has been known to offer his special, Waltham-made Amethyst RoRs in exchange for help with his business. Similar to Peach, we might expect the player market price to be around 50,000 - 60,000 GP for this robe.


RoR - Cobalt 02

Nedved II in Cobalt.

Cobalt Robes of Resistance are a most alluring shade of blue, and the last of the three BMF 454 robes. The Cobalt RoRs were commissioned by the Senate and provided to a bounty hunter in Morganstown, who would offer one of the robes to anyone who brought him 25 Privateer Heads over the course of the festival.

Given the general value of those heads, a price of 55,000 - 65,000 GP would probably be a good start for the Cobalt RoR.


RoR - Plum

The plum wonder.

Plum Robes of Resistance are an incredibly rare variety of RoR, and there are no known ways to acquire one as of late 454. The only Plum RoRs in existence have been those worn or donated by Andris Bank Manager Mauve Korlach, who appears to have them on special order from Waltham's World of Wool.

Mauve donated one GM Plum RoR (and a matching GM RoP) to the Blue Moon Festival of 453. The robes became two of the top prizes during that year's Maralian/Andrisian Roulette. The GM Plum RoR was won by the wizard Rondino, who has since modeled it on numerous occasions as part of an outfit involving a Neptune's Trident and a matching yellow wizard hat. The striking combination of plum and gold has contributed greatly to the wizard's fashion-forward reputation, and the look is as unique as it is memorable.

Given that this robe is the only one of its kind in the public sphere, there is no way to put a player market price on it. But should its wearer ever attempt to sell it, it would surely fetch a very high price.


RoR - University

Senator Edwin Rahleus in University garb.

University Robes of Resistance are another impossibly rare shade of RoR. These robes are only available to those affiliated with the University of Andris, and to date, there are no known cases of the robes being given to anyone outside the university. Most university figures and alumni, including Senator Edwin Rahleus and Mistress Almeira Libracta, tend to wear the Protection version of the robe. We might be able to expect that the faculty there knows enough about resisting magic to avoid the need for an RoR.


RoR - Olive

Senator Silvaria Rose in an Olive garden.

Olive Robes of Resistance are just as rare as the University and Plum. They are as yet worn exclusively by Senator Silvaria Rose, and there are no other known ways to acquire them.

One of a Kind[]

Only one version exists of the following robes – they are truly one of a kind.


At the Grand Auction of the Blue Moon Festival of 452, a GM Hibiscus RoP was sold as the final item of the day, sponsored by the robe's creator, Waltham's World of Wool. This was the very first of all the rare colors to be introduced – and it would be the only robe in its color ever produced. The business did not, as far we know, create a Hibiscus RoR, and so the existence of such an item is only a matter of conjecture. Perhaps the rarity of the hibiscus flower only allowed for one robe to be created. Whatever the case, we may never know.

Welif Pine[]

RoR - Welif Pine

Razan shortly after winning Welif Pine.

The GM Welif Pine Robe of Resistance was part of the featured bundle that sold as the final item during the Blue Moon Festival of 453. The bundle also included a GM Welif Pine RoP, and a nonenchanted Welif Pine Robe. The winner of this three-in-one bundle was the fighter Razan of GYPSY, who purchased it for 7,500,000 GP.

Marali Moss[]

RoR - Marali Moss

Rolling stones grow no moss.

The GM Marali Moss Robe of Resistance was featured in a similar bundle at the next Blue Moon Festival, in Year 454. This three-piece set was sold to the wizard Shuab of the Mirith Vanguard, at the price of 6,000,000 GP. If not modeling the mossy-smooth robe herself, it might be seen being borrowed by one of her MV compatriots.
