
A Slotted Plate Helmet is a piece of Plate Armor that covers most of the head, save for a narrow T-shaped slit around the eyes and mouth. The helmet's proponents would say that it allows for improved breathing and vision, and for this reason it is often used by some rangers of the Marali Vanguard, such as Armsman Nimuialwing Winterdawn. However, this particular benefit is not without cost, for the helm affords less protection than the much more popular (and heavier) Closed Plate Helmet. Nevertheless, the Slotted Plate Helm is still the most useful piece of headgear that can be crafted by a middling blacksmith (Level 5), surpassing the Open Plate Helmet and Viking Helmet.

In terms of Armor Rating (AR), the Slotted Plate Helm provides 5 points. This is less than the 7 points provided by the Closed Plate Helmet, but still more than the 3 points provided by both the Open Plate and Viking Helmets.

A very skilled blacksmith (Level 9) can create a Black Slotted Plate Helmet, which affords the same protection as the original, but with an added bonus to stealth. Additionally, an expert blacksmith (Level 10) can create a GM Slotted Plate Helmet, which boasts added durability over the original, despite not requiring any additional materials to create.

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Black Plate
Black Closed Plate Helmet • Black Slotted Plate Helmet • Black Open Plate Helmet • Black Viking Helmet • Black Plate Breast • Black Plate Legs • Black Plate Arms • Black Plate Gauntlets • Black Metal Shield
Chain Mail Coif • Chain Mail Breast • Chain Mail Legs • Chain Mail Arms • Chain Mail Gloves
Leather / Wooden
Robe of Protection • Robe of Resistance • Shirt • Pair of Pants • Robe • Wizard Hat • Jester Hat
Burning Plate Armor • Blue Plate Armor